Bringing international musicians and great chamber music to Northumberland.

As well as our main programme of concerts, we are arranging another lunchtime concert in the Playhouse on Tuesday 16th April. Full details are on the Outreach/Education page of our website or go to the Playhouse website. Also keep a lookout for an afternoon concert on Sunday 16th June - more information coming soon! 

The next concert in our main season is a Viola and Piano recital given by Sarah-Jane Bradley and Martin Roscoe on Thursday 25th April. They will bring us a programme on the theme of NIGHT MUSIC.

Our season ends in May with Ben Goldscheider (horn), Callum Smart (violin) and Richard Uttley (piano). This may be the first time that we have had a Horn Trio in our series of concerts. So we had to include the wonderful Brahms Trio as well as Ligeti’s Hommage à Brahms.

Click on button showing performers and date of concert for details of programme and other information.


£70 for all 7 Concerts - saving up to £47 on individual concert prices.

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By becoming a Patron you help us bring top quality artists to Alnwick and develop our Outreach and Education programme.

UK Taxpayers can Gift Aid donations and increase the amount given to our Patronage Scheme by 25% at no extra cost.

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